Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Good morning. As you may know by now I did get elected as your new OSEA State President.  It was a close election against a formidable opponent.  Turnover is going well with Bonnie and I expect to be finishing that up later today.  Letters will be going out to each Chapter in the Zone looking for volunteers to step up and relieve me as Zone Director.  I will still be around but just in a different capacity now.  DO NOT hesitate to call on me if there's something you need.

As for Conference agenda items, we did pass 4 of the 5 resolutions that were put forth this year.  The remaining one was pulled from the conference floor during the business session.  There will be changes to the state constitution sent out once published which should be by this fall.  Expect to see those in the mail.

I will be going through applications for State Committees this week and seeing where we're at on those.  We had several apps submitted during conference which is a big relief.  Once those have been decided on and run by the board members we'll be getting appointment letters out to those that have volunteered.  THANK YOU to those of you that chose to step up.

One last thing.  RCC President Michael Lawrence has signed on to become a delegate to the Southern Oregon CLC.  THANK YOU Michael.


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